I am greeted by every coach each time I walk into class. They make you feel welcomed, valued, and go above and beyond to meet the needs of each individual. I was unsure if CrossFit was for me when I started, but Brazen is worth it to me.
— Kristin Roney

Our professional coaches are passionate about teaching movement and helping you feel better in life.

Kristy Link

CFL2, ERYT-200, Crossfit Mobility, CrossFit Gymnastics, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga

Sydney Carus CrossFit Coach

Sydney Carus

Gab DiLalla CrossFit Coach

Gab DiLalla

Jeffrey Johnson crossfit coach

Jeffrey Johnson, Owner

CFL2, FRC Mobility Specialist

Claire Carter Hopkins CrossFit Coach

Claire Carter Hopkins

CFL1, RYT, Yin Yoga

Mike Volpe CrossFit Coach

Mike Volpe

Courtney Roselle CrossFit Coach

Courtney Roselle

CFL2, NASM-CPT, Certified Functional Strength Coach

Ashley Kelley CrossFit Coach

Ashley Kelley